A tribute to the terminated outpost of the Norfolkline, that connected Scheveningen(NL) and Norfolk(UK) for many years. This invented phrase is painted in similar type, size and colour that NORFOLKLINE uses for its ships.
A modest landmark in the harbour of Scheveningen that welcomes the incoming ships and bids farewell to ones that sail away.
VAARWELKOM / FAREWELCOME is a greeting from the past to the remaining ships that still come in and sail out of the harbour. In memory of the glorydays when big black type still ruled the waves at Scheveningen.
The initiative was supported by Stroom en De Vloek on occasion of De Dag Van De Architectuur in Scheveningen 2007. Thank you for helping me to create this Landmark: Peter Bos (De Vloek), Francien van Westrenen (Stroom), Maartje de Sonnaville, Babette Wagenvoort, Rieme Gleijm, Bruno Setola, Ramon de Graaf, Liza Enebeis, Lukas Marti, David Skolnik en Peter Zuiderwijk.